Title: SWTOR | Rating: Teen | Genre: Sci-Fi MMORPG | Developer: BioWare | Publisher: EA
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BioWareâ¢, a studio of Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA), and LucasArts announced today that the new, Free-to-Play option for the critically-acclaimed, massively multiplayer online game, Star Wars: The Old Republic is now live. Now players can experience the complete storylines of all eight iconic Star Wars classes, all the way to level 50 for free. This new option complements the existing subscription offering, providing players with maximum flexibility in how they choose to experience Star Wars: The Old Republic.
âWe want to give our players the freedom to enjoy Star Wars: The Old Republic when and how they want,â said Matthew Bromberg, General Manager of BioWare Austin. âThere has never been a better time to start playing with us.â
Star Wars: The Old Republic is a story-driven, massively multiplayer online (MMO) game with a Free-to-Play option from BioWare and LucasArts. Set thousands of years before the classic Star Wars movies, players team up with friends online to fight in heroic battles, explore a galaxy of vibrant planets, and experience visceral Star Wars combat, all set to a sweeping musical score. Players are asked to join forces with either the Galactic Republic or Sith Empire and choose one of eight iconic Star Wars characters, including the Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Smuggler, Trooper, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent.
Spoilerfor classes:
As for what classes they relate to in a traditional fantasy MMO setting, it is quite blurred due to the fact it is star wars, which has both sci-fi and fantasy elements
The Imperial Agent and Smuggler can stealth, but unlike Rogues they are a ranged class, the trooper, altho like a mage in terms of ranged dps, is not a lightly armoured character.
But to give it a shot:
Trooper = Mage/Warrior hybrid (moonkin druid prehaps)
Smuggler = Rogue/Hunter hybrid
Jedi Knight = Warrior/Paladin hybrid with action point style abilities
Jedi Consular = Mage/Rogue/Priest hybrid
Bounty Hunter = Shaman/Hunter hybrid
Imperial Agent = Rogue/Hunter hybrid
Sith Warrior = Warrior/Paladin hybrid with action point style abilities
Sith Inquisitor = Mage/Rogue/Priest hybrid
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System Requirements
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Minimum System Requirements
CPU: AMD Athlon 64X2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better / Intel Core 2 Duo Processor 2.0 GHz or better.
OS: Windows XP with 1.5GB RAM or higher / Windows Vista/7 with 2GB RAM or higher / PCs using built-in graphic chipsets, 2GB RAM is recommended.
8x DVD-ROM or faster.
VIDEO: ATI X1800 or better* / NVIDIA 7800 or better* / Intel 4100 or better* / *256MB minimum video RAM / *Shader 3.0 or better fully compatible graphics card.
Recommended System Requirements
CPU: AMD Phenom 2 X4 Quad-core 2.5GHz or better / Intel Core 2Quad Processor 2.4GHz or better.
OS: Windows 7 64bit SP1, with 4GB RAM or higher.
8x DVD-ROM or faster.
VIDEO: ATI/AMD Radeon HD 4850 or better* / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 or better* / *512 minimum video RAM / *Shader 3.0 or better fully compatible graphics card.
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sebelum main atau download, ada baiknya diliat dulu semua restriction F2P player di SWTOR ini
dibandingkan game2 P2P lain yang udah lebih dulu beralih ke F2P, SWTOR bisa dibilang cukup jahat restriction nya
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untungnya, ada fitur "Preferred Status", dimana kita bisa dapet beberapa trait permanen dengan minimal belanja $5 di cartel market
"Preferred Status" masih kena restriction, tapi ga separah pure F2P
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sebetulnya F2P juga masih sangat2 playable, cuma progress nya bakal agak lebih lambat dibanding subscriber
terutama buat para pve & story lovers (ala bioware), restriction2 ini ga bakal ngehambat gameplay kalian
soal ping jg bagus, maen di server harbringer NA dapet ping 200-300 an, normal buat game inter
kl emang udah nyaman sama SWTOR & pgn serius maen, ga ada salahnya untuk subscribe
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