1. Dilarang keras share link dari IDWS tanpa seijin uploader nya disana.
2. No Junk, pasti nya seperti post 1 kata ngga jelas ato cuma icon doank.
3. Out of Topic boleh, asal jangan ke terusan.
4. No flaming antar penghuni, yang masih bandel saya ngga segan2 lapor momod buat BANNED.
5. Biasakan multi quote saat cit cat (chat), jangan di sengajakan post double2, kalo di terusin saya akan peringati dengan BATA (atau sebalik nya buat yang bata collector).
6. Silahkan Spam pict sepuas nya, dengan syarat, yang berhubungan dengan Buono, dan tidak repost.
7. Kalau mau spam gambar yang berukuran besar alias BWK (Bandwidth Killer) gunakan lha tag [SPOILER] (kasihan yang punya Bandwidth pas2n).
8. Jika ingin share link, 1 topik link sharing itungan nya 1 post, jadi dalam keadaan seperti ini saya ijin kan double, triple ato lebih postingan (cit cat dan share link beda itungan).
9. Untuk yang mau share gambar buat dipajang dipage 1 silahkan, dah saya buatkan Gallery Collection section, tapi dengan SYARAT dan FORMAT, mesti yang berhubungan dengan Buono, gambar mesti di [SPOILER], dan per-part harus penuh dengan kumpulan gambar2 permember, atau perjudul, yang tidak memenuhi format, saya anggap spam biasa, dan tidak saya taruh di page 1.
10. yang memanfaat kan keadaan no.9 untuk ngejar postingan, saya anggap JUNK dan siap2 delete post tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu .
11. masih dipikir kan lagi.
Quote:Buono! (���, BMno?) is a Hello! Project unit consisting of three members: Momoko Tsugunaga and Miyabi Natsuyaki from Berryz Koubou, and Airi Suzuki from C-ute. The name translates into 'tasty', more specifically when used to imply food possesses a pleasant palate (from Italian, "Good!"). All three members of Buono! originate from the Chiba Prefecture.
source : wikipedia.org
Spoilerfor HISTORY:
The unit was officially announced at the Nakayoshi magazine Festival 2007 on July 21, 2007, at Tokyo's Sunshine City in Ikebukuro, and formed to sing both the opening ("Kokoro no Tamago") and ending ("Honto no Jibun") themes for the anime adaptation of the Shugo Chara! manga. Buono! continued to record the ending and opening themes for the first season of the anime. As of the second season, Buono! only recorded the ending themes, as the opening themes were handled by Shugo Chara Egg! and Guardians 4, two other groups formed for the sake of performing Shugo Chara! music. On March 10 a collaboration album with Guardians 4 and Shugo Chara!Egg was released titled as "Shugo Chara!Song Best", and on the same day a DVD titled as "Shugo Chara! ClipsjBest" was released with the same artists Guardians 4 and Shugo Chara!Egg.
On March 7, 2009, Hello! Project announced that Buono! was to perform at the Japan Expo in Stockholm, Sweden on May 24, 2009,[1] but the convention was cancelled a month earlier on April 21, 2009, due to "the financial change in world economy, severe competition from other festivals/concerts as well as poor ticket sale."[2]
In December 2010, Buono! left the Pony Canyon label and moved to the Zetima label. Their 11th single (and first single under the Zetima Label), 'Zassou No Uta', was released on February 2, 2011.
source : wikipedia.org
On March 7, 2009, Hello! Project announced that Buono! was to perform at the Japan Expo in Stockholm, Sweden on May 24, 2009,[1] but the convention was cancelled a month earlier on April 21, 2009, due to "the financial change in world economy, severe competition from other festivals/concerts as well as poor ticket sale."[2]
In December 2010, Buono! left the Pony Canyon label and moved to the Zetima label. Their 11th single (and first single under the Zetima Label), 'Zassou No Uta', was released on February 2, 2011.
source : wikipedia.org
Track List :
02. GO!GO! Gouda
03. Hatsukoi Cider (Album version)
04. Mirai Drive
06. Natsu no Hoshizora
07. Never gonna stop!
thx for FansBuono for making this thread
thx for Onibanchou for the sharing rules H!P
and momod yo09 :
anda bisa membeli cd lagunya diCDJAPAN, HMV , AMAZON and many more
Charlie angelnya
Click for more info
From left to right :
Tsugunaga Momoko (嗣永桃子
* 19歳/Berryz工房
* 生年月日:1992.3.6
* 血液型:O型
Suzuki Airi (鈴木愛理
* 17歳/℃-ute
* 生年月日:1994.4.12
* 血液型:B型
Natsuyaki Miyabi (夏焼雅
* 19歳/Berryz工房
* 生年月日:1992.8.25
* 血液型:O型
Photo buono!
Spoilerfor BWK:
Spoilerfor Tsugunaga Momoko:
* Name: Tsugunaga Momoko (嗣永桃子
* Nickname(s): Momo
* Hello! Project Status:
1. 2002-06-30: Member
* Date of Birth: 1992-03-06
* Age: 19 years
* Place of Birth: Chiba, Japan
* Blood type: O
Spoilerfor Natsuyaki Miyabi:
* Name: Natsuyaki Miyabi (夏焼雅
* Nickname(s): Miya
* Hello! Project Status:
1. 2002-06-30: Member
* Date of Birth: 1992-08-25
* Age: 19 years,
* Place of Birth: Chiba, Japan
* Blood type: O
Spoilerfor Suzuki Airi:
* Name: Suzuki Airi (鈴木愛理
* Nickname(s): Airiin
* Hello! Project Status:
1. 2002-06-30: Member
* Date of Birth: 1994-04-12
* Age: 17 years,
* Place of Birth: Chiba, Japan
* Blood type: B
Buono! Others
Buono! - PIZZA-LA (2CM-in-1) Download
Buono! - Pizza la Commercials 20090717 Download
Charlie angelnya
Click for more info
From left to right :
Tsugunaga Momoko (嗣永桃子
* 19歳/Berryz工房
* 生年月日:1992.3.6
* 血液型:O型
Suzuki Airi (鈴木愛理
* 17歳/℃-ute
* 生年月日:1994.4.12
* 血液型:B型
Natsuyaki Miyabi (夏焼雅
* 19歳/Berryz工房
* 生年月日:1992.8.25
* 血液型:O型
Photo buono!
Spoilerfor BWK:
Spoilerfor Tsugunaga Momoko:
* Name: Tsugunaga Momoko (嗣永桃子
* Nickname(s): Momo
* Hello! Project Status:
1. 2002-06-30: Member
* Date of Birth: 1992-03-06
* Age: 19 years
* Place of Birth: Chiba, Japan
* Blood type: O
Spoilerfor Natsuyaki Miyabi:
* Name: Natsuyaki Miyabi (夏焼雅
* Nickname(s): Miya
* Hello! Project Status:
1. 2002-06-30: Member
* Date of Birth: 1992-08-25
* Age: 19 years,
* Place of Birth: Chiba, Japan
* Blood type: O
Spoilerfor Suzuki Airi:
* Name: Suzuki Airi (鈴木愛理
* Nickname(s): Airiin
* Hello! Project Status:
1. 2002-06-30: Member
* Date of Birth: 1994-04-12
* Age: 17 years,
* Place of Birth: Chiba, Japan
* Blood type: B
Buono! Others
Buono! - PIZZA-LA (2CM-in-1) Download
Buono! - Pizza la Commercials 20090717 Download
Quote:Guys & girls, mohon waktunya sebentar ya.
Gw baru dapat kabar, bahwa beberapa promotor di Indonesia, di antaranya Nagaraja FMFE & 7Dimensions berniat bekerja sama mencoba mendatangkan MORNING MUSUME ke Indonesia.
Koneksi dengan pihak jepang sudah ada, Nagaraja sedang melakukan negosiasi untuk menentukan jadwal.
TAPI jangan senang dahulu, karena kami masih membutuhkan data2 fans MM di indonesia.
karena itulah kami membutuhkan partisipasi Anda pada penelitian pasar yang akan kami lakukan.
Untuk itu, mohon bagi anda semua untuk kesediaannya mengisi kuesioner berikut :
kami mohon Anda dapat mengisi form ini dengan sejujur-jujurnya. Mohon pikirkan masak-masak sebelum Anda mengisi pertanyaan yang diajukan.
Oya, ada kemungkinan pihak promotor akan membuka sistem pembayaran cicilan untuk tiketnya bila jadi nanti, sehingga dapat memudahkan bagi kita2 ^^
Sedikit info tentang MORNING MUSUME
(words by Redayusa Syofyano)
Morning Musume adalah salah satu grup super idol dari Jepang. Sejarah mereka terdiri atas 15 tahun pengalaman penuh "dancing, singing, exciting", menghibur banyak orang di seluruh dunia. Dibentuk tahun 1997 oleh produser Tsunku, Morning Musume telah berhasil mempertahankan pertunjukan mereka di tingkat tertinggi sampai saat ini : mengeluarkan 11 album dan 47 hit single, yang paling diingat adalah "Love Machine, Koi no Dance Site, Aruiteru dan Shouganai Yume Oibito".
Dengan kharisma yang kuat, koreografi yang mencengangkan, juga kostum yang berkilauan dan suasana yang diciptakan "wota" (sebutan untuk fans berat idol grup) membuat konser mereka selalu menarik untuk disaksikan.
Pada akhir tahun 2011 mereka akan mengadakan 2 konser di Nippon Budokan. Hal ini dikombinasikan dengan konser internasional mereka yang terdahulu (Korea Selatan, Taiwan, China, Perancis dan Amerika Serikat) menjadikan mereka sebuah super idol grup yang perlu Anda perhatikan.
Untuk mengundang artis pop Jepang bukanlah perkara mudah, terutama karena belum banyak contoh serupa di masa lalu. Karena itulah, 7Dimension mengajak komunitas fanbase Morning Musume di Indonesia dan para penggemar musik2 jepang lainnya untuk melakukan penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui reaksi dan animo khalayak Indonesia.
Pertanyaan utama kami adalah : jika Morning Musume akan mengadakan konser di Indonesia tahun depan (2012), apakah Anda akan membeli tiketnya?
PS : bila ada perubahan, bakal gw update di notes ini.
Tolong notes ini disebarluaskan yah ^^
Terima kasih kami sampaikan atas partisipasi Anda.
~Administrator & humas Morning Musume Indonesia~
Nagaraja FMFE >> http://nagaraja-fmfe.com
7Dimensions >> http://www.7-dimension.com
Morning Musume Indonesia >> www.momusuindo.net
Buono! 13th Single called DEEP MIND
Release date :03/11/11
katanya ini yang akan jadi theme song film "Gomen Nasai"
1. Buono! - Honto no Jibun
Spoilerfor Honto no Jibun:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
2. Buono! - Renai Rider
Spoilerfor Renai Rider:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
3. Buono! - Kiss!Kiss!Kiss!
Spoilerfor Kiss!kiss!kiss!:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
4. Buono! - Gachinkou de Ikou!
Spoilerfor Gachinko de Ikou!:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor ss:
5. Buono! - Rotara Rotara
Spoilerfor Rotara Rotara:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
6. Buono! - Co*No*Mi*Chi
Spoilerfor Co*No*Mi*Chi:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
7. Buono! - My Boy
Spoilerfor My Boy:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
8. Buono! - Take It easy(HD)
Spoilerfor Take It Easy:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
9. Buono! - Bravo*Bravo
Spoilerfor Bravo*Bravo:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
10. Buono! - Our Song
Spoilerfor Our Song:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
11. Buono! - Zassuo No uta / JUICY HE@RT
Spoilerfor Zassuo No uta:
Spoilerfor ss Zassuo No Uta:
Spoilerfor ss JUICY HEART:
Spoilerfor PV:
12. Buono! - Natsu Dakara
Spoilerfor Natsu Dakara:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
13. Buono! - Hatsukoi Cider / DEEP MIND
Spoilerfor Hatsukoi Cider/DEEP MIND:
Spoilerfor ss Hatsukoi Cider:
Spoilerfor ss DEEP MIND:
Spoilerfor PV:
1. Buono! - Honto no Jibun
Spoilerfor Honto no Jibun:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
2. Buono! - Renai Rider
Spoilerfor Renai Rider:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
3. Buono! - Kiss!Kiss!Kiss!
Spoilerfor Kiss!kiss!kiss!:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
4. Buono! - Gachinkou de Ikou!
Spoilerfor Gachinko de Ikou!:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor ss:
5. Buono! - Rotara Rotara
Spoilerfor Rotara Rotara:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
6. Buono! - Co*No*Mi*Chi
Spoilerfor Co*No*Mi*Chi:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
7. Buono! - My Boy
Spoilerfor My Boy:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
8. Buono! - Take It easy(HD)
Spoilerfor Take It Easy:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
9. Buono! - Bravo*Bravo
Spoilerfor Bravo*Bravo:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
10. Buono! - Our Song
Spoilerfor Our Song:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
11. Buono! - Zassuo No uta / JUICY HE@RT
Spoilerfor Zassuo No uta:
Spoilerfor ss Zassuo No Uta:
Spoilerfor ss JUICY HEART:
Spoilerfor PV:
12. Buono! - Natsu Dakara
Spoilerfor Natsu Dakara:
Spoilerfor ss:
Spoilerfor PV:
13. Buono! - Hatsukoi Cider / DEEP MIND
Spoilerfor Hatsukoi Cider/DEEP MIND:
Spoilerfor ss Hatsukoi Cider:
Spoilerfor ss DEEP MIND:
Spoilerfor PV:
Live Streaming Concert Rock'n Buono! 4 In youtube~
Maap gambarnya rada jelek.. maklum video streaming-an... hehehe..
Maap gambarnya rada jelek.. maklum video streaming-an... hehehe..
thx, saya kirimin es cendol deh
thx, saya kirimin es cendol deh
Quote:Original Posted By azerky âº
(fanrec) Buono! Live 120212 Moulin Rouge
- Hatsukoi Cider
- We are Buono!
- Nakimushi Shounen
- Rottara Rottara
- Minna Daisuki
- Kokoro no Tamago
- Hontou no Jibun
- Independent Girl
- BravoBravo
- RenaieRider
- Warp!
- Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
- Rock no Kamisama
[BDRIP] Buono! Live Tour 2011 Summer - Rock'n Buono! 4 (1080p)
Size 8GB
Spoilerfor tn:
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8
MC Session
link donlotnya jangan di taro disini gan :maho
ntar momod ngamuk :maho
taro disini dulu
abis itu link postingannya di taro disini deh baru
contoh kayak gue gini
Spoilerfor contoh:
Lady Gaga - The Fame
1. Lady GaGa - Just Dance [Ft. Colby Odonis]
2. Lady GaGa - Lovegame
3. Lady GaGa - Paparazzi
4. Lady GaGa - Beautiful Dirty Rich
5. Lady GaGa - Eh Eh [Nothing Else I Can Say]
6. Lady GaGa - Poker Face
7. Lady GaGa - The Fame
8. Lady GaGa - Money Honey
9. Lady GaGa - Again Again
10. Lady GaGa - Boys Boys Boys
11. Lady GaGa - Brown Eyes
12. Lady GaGa - Summerboy
13. Lady GaGa - I Like It Rough
14. Lady GaGa - Again Again (Bonus Track)
15. Lady GaGa - Big Girl Now ft. New Kids On The Block (Bonus Track)
16. Lady GaGa - Dirty Ice Cream
17. Lady GaGa - Disco Heaven (Bonus Track)
18. Lady GaGa - Just Dance - (The DJ Vice Megamix)
19. Lady GaGa - Lovegame (Kelvin Nicolas "Dirrty Edit" Remix)
20. Lady GaGa - Paper Gangsta (US Bonus)
21. Lady Gaga - Shake Ure Kitty
22. Lady GaGa - Starstruck ft. Space Cowboy & Flo Rida (US Bonus)
23. Lady GaGa - The Fame (Album Mixtape Medley)
24. Lady GaGa - Vanity (Bonus Track)
ntar momod ngamuk :maho
taro disini dulu
abis itu link postingannya di taro disini deh baru
contoh kayak gue gini
Spoilerfor contoh:
Lady Gaga - The Fame
1. Lady GaGa - Just Dance [Ft. Colby Odonis]
2. Lady GaGa - Lovegame
3. Lady GaGa - Paparazzi
4. Lady GaGa - Beautiful Dirty Rich
5. Lady GaGa - Eh Eh [Nothing Else I Can Say]
6. Lady GaGa - Poker Face
7. Lady GaGa - The Fame
8. Lady GaGa - Money Honey
9. Lady GaGa - Again Again
10. Lady GaGa - Boys Boys Boys
11. Lady GaGa - Brown Eyes
12. Lady GaGa - Summerboy
13. Lady GaGa - I Like It Rough
14. Lady GaGa - Again Again (Bonus Track)
15. Lady GaGa - Big Girl Now ft. New Kids On The Block (Bonus Track)
16. Lady GaGa - Dirty Ice Cream
17. Lady GaGa - Disco Heaven (Bonus Track)
18. Lady GaGa - Just Dance - (The DJ Vice Megamix)
19. Lady GaGa - Lovegame (Kelvin Nicolas "Dirrty Edit" Remix)
20. Lady GaGa - Paper Gangsta (US Bonus)
21. Lady Gaga - Shake Ure Kitty
22. Lady GaGa - Starstruck ft. Space Cowboy & Flo Rida (US Bonus)
23. Lady GaGa - The Fame (Album Mixtape Medley)
24. Lady GaGa - Vanity (Bonus Track)
Quote:Original Posted By azerky âº
HelloPro! TIME #44 Cut Buono! live in Paris (2012.02.23)
buzet yang ke 3 seumuran adek gw..
mauu dong gannn
mauu dong gannn
wihhh....dah lama bgt ga dengerin Buono!
terakhir Co.no.mi.chi
izin sedot My Boy ama Take It Easy
bai de wei on de wai.... kayaknya TS anak forum sebelah ya ?
dah lama jg ga main2 ke forum tetangga
duh jd kangen ama momo~chan
terakhir Co.no.mi.chi
izin sedot My Boy ama Take It Easy
bai de wei on de wai.... kayaknya TS anak forum sebelah ya ?
dah lama jg ga main2 ke forum tetangga
duh jd kangen ama momo~chan
yang suzuki airi mukanya lucu gan...
sekedar saran...dibikin polling aja gan bwt milih siapa member buono fav agan2 smua
biar seru aja gan
biar seru aja gan
Pai ama Luhur mana nih??
kok blom nongol di thread jepang"an?
gw udah donlot semua albumnya...mayan enak juga
kok blom nongol di thread jepang"an?
gw udah donlot semua albumnya...mayan enak juga
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