Weird Art By Dimitri Tsykalov
Russian artist Dimitri Tsykalov has been shocking people with meat dresses longer than the pop singer has been eschewing pants. Both dabble in bloody items of clothing for shock value but, unlike Lady Gaga, the Russian artist doesnÂt do it for album sales or YouTube hits.
Rather, DimitriÂs edible sculptures aim to make statements about world hunger, barbarous animal treatment, and the abuse of men. Most shocking is his ÂMeat series from a few years ago, where he covered naked models in chunks of flesh, intestines and other stomach-turning items. The aim here was to critique the nature of war, as well as humanityÂs ability to blatantly rip chunks off itself  just add HP sauce first, perhaps.[/quote]
Spoilerfor Meat Craze:
meat craze
[quote=]Less shocking, but arguably more technically brilliant, is a range of meat guns. The finely crafted itemÂs of war are simply mind-blowing in their intricacy, with details ranging from intestine triggers and shotgun barrels all the way down to button mushroom bullets. Vegetarians are catered for in another series of fruit skulls which, whilst much more sensitively souled, are just as subtly macabre as the rest of DimitriÂs portfolio.[/quote]
Spoilerfor Meat Gun:
[quote=]Dimitri uses fruits to carve out impressive and creepy looking skulls. Have a look.
Spoilerfor Fruit carving:
And quite unexpectedly Dimitri started to make awesome knitted credit cards. A bit absurd, what do you think.
Spoilerfor Knitted Credit Card:
Semoga aja nggak
Silahkan dikomentari yah, jangan ngejunk di trit ane, komenlah yang baik dan benar, klo gag komen ane doain mandul he he he,.
Habis komen jangan lupa ngasih
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Spoilerfor TRIT-TRIT WOW:
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