Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

New ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3

Permisi kakak semuaMalu

Sehubungan dengan adanya =

  • mail: lebih kurang 2 juta surat Hammer

  • phonedari para wanita seksoy Genit:

  • Hasil musyawarah mufakat member TKSB angel :mahos

  • Dan tidak ketinggalan tentunya atas Ijin dan Restu dari TS TKSB yang lama (Masbro Mario) EmbarrassmentWowcantik

maka dengan ini nubie memberanikan diri untuk membuka NEW TKSBshakehand( sebagai kelanjutan dariThread Lama TKSB)Embarrassment

New ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3 11

Seorang pemain basket dengan sepatunya sama dengan seorang prajurit dengan pedangnya. Jika seorang prajurit tidak nyaman dengan pedangnya sendiri, ia tidak bisa maksimal bertempur. Malah yang terburuk, ia bisa dihabisi oleh prajurit pihak lawan karena kalah lihai.

Hal ini juga terjadi di lapangan basket. Seorang pemain yang tidak nyaman dengan sepatunya sendiri tidak akan bisa bergerak leluasa di atas lapangan. Hasilnya, ia akan dimatikan oleh permainan lawannya yang lebih lincah. Berikut adalah beberapa tips untuk memilih sepatu basket yang bagus.

Yang pertama adalah sepatu basket loe harus bisa meredam benturan yang terjadi saat loe mendarat. Apalagi jika loe adalah pemain street basket ball yang sering berlari dan melompat di atas lapangan aspal. Jika telapak kaki atau bagian belakang lutut terasa sakit setelah loe bermain basket, itu adalah pertanda bahwa sepatu loe tidak cukup kuat untuk meredam benturan.

Sepatu basket yang loe pake juga harus nyaman senyaman-nyamannya. Ukurannya harus pas dengan sempurna. Jangan sampai ada ruang tersisa untuk kaki loe bergerak dalam sepatu. Bukan hanya di bagian depan, tapi juga bagian samping. Jika ada ruang gerak di dalam sepatu, kemungkinan cidera saat loe tergelincir atau terjatuh akan lebih besar.

Saat memilih sepatu perhatikan solnya. Pastikan sol bisa melekat kuat pada permukaan lapangan. Melekat di sini bukan berarti menempel seperti lem, namun bisa membuat kaki tetap pada posisinya dengan stabil. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi resiko tergelincir. Trik seperti spin, dan cross over bisa dilakukan lebih lancar dengan sepatu yang melekat.

Courtesy of Ersam.
Member of KSB

Buat para member disini ......tersedia juga BBM Group TKSB ....bila ingin bercengkerama dengan para :mahos di Thread ini dapat menghubungi Pr1hadi atau ersamSmilie

Syarat joint di Group BBM TKSB ...Enter At U r own risk !!!

Quote:Original Posted By ersam â–º
Selaku admin group bbm TKSB ( saya co admin yg real admin pr1hadi Big Grin)

Dengan banyak yg mnta di invite utk masuk group bbm

Saya memberikan amanat tetua tetua yg lebih dahulu ada di bbm, utk bisa join ataupun di invite para newcomers (yg ingin gabung) harap aktif dluw di thread karena awal mula group bbm juga dari thread kesayangan kita ini. Perekrutan new comers juga diseleksi dluw oleh para penghuni bbm tksb. Perekrutan juga dilakukan musyawarah para tetua

Setelah diangap sudah aktif dan memenuhi persyaratan new comers (yg ingin join)
Akan dihubungi via pm utk meminta no pin atmnya Hammer

New ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3 15 TKSB BBM Group
New ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3 16 Follow us @TKSB_kaskus

New ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3 17 TKSB Brotherhood


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New ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3 19


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New ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3 22

Spoilerfor Gath TKSB III:

poto2 yang lain silahkan liat di fanpage TKSB

Thread ini adalah thread lanjutan dari sudah melebihi batas reply.
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTerima kasih.


Di Thread ini tidak susye kok masbro regulasinyaSmilie...

Sebagian ane akomodir dari General Rules di Forum Sports Kaskus dan dari TKSB sendiri tentunyaSmilie

1. Mengenai Junk Post

1.1. Yang Dimaksudkan Dengan Junk Post Adalah Setiap Post Yang Tidak Mempunyai Kaitan apapun Dengan Topik Bahasan.
1.2. Dilarang Melakukan Segala Macam Bentuk Posting Yang Bersifat Junk Seperti Yang Disebutkan Di Atas.
1.3. Budayakan menggunakan MULTI QUOTE. Hindari one liner post. Thread ini merupakan sarana berbagi informasi dan bukan lahan mengejar posting.

2. Mengenai Absen Dan Salam (greetings)
2.1. Dilarang Melakukan Segala Bentuk Posting Yang Esensinya Hanya Ditujukan Untuk melakukan Absen Dan Salam (greetings).
2.2. Absen Dan Salam (greetings) Yang Dipakai Sebagai Kalimat Pembuka/penutup Dalam Sebuah Posting, Masih Diperbolehkan.

3. Jangan memPost "Fake" Stuff

Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat kepada juragan semua.....Mohon kiranya kesadarannya untuk tidak memposting gambar sepatu FAKE, KAWEH SURAWEH, REPLICA ataupun apapun namanya disini.....POST yang ORI bin LAPIS LEGITsahaja yes !!!

4. Respect Other Member

TKSB berasal dari berbagai kalangan (usia, jenis kelamin, orientasi seksual, etc) . Walaupun dari latar belakang yang berbeda kita mempunyai passion yang sama terhadap sepatu basketGenit:. Jadi Tolong bertuturkatalah yang sopandi dalam thread ini,No Porno,No SARAdanNo Ributdi dalam thread inishakehand

5. Dihimbau agar tidak Quote Gambar
Bila juragan ingin men"quote" gambar dari jemuran disini .....Please gambarnya di del ato diberi tag SPOILER dulu
Kasiman bagi mereka yang miskin bandwith ganSmilie

6. Perihal Jualan dan Janda - Janda Kembang

6.1. Segala bentuk transaksi harap diselesaikan secara Japri bin japraarmy:Jangan melakukan Perniagaan secara direct di Threadexclamation
6.2. Tidak diijinkan untuk melakukan posting apapun bentuknya yang berhubungan dengan aktivitas jual - beli di thread ini (titip link, nego, dsbnya)

7. Flamer, perusuh dan apa pun nama dan bentuknya
Bila terindikasi ada "pihak - pihak" yang ingin menganggu kedamaian dan ketertiban di Thread iniagar diabaikan sajaalias jangan di quote postingannya. Mari kita tunjukkan kedewasaan dalam berforum dengan menggunakan mekanisme pelaporan yang ada di forum ini dengan melaporkan pengacau tsb keSINI. Jangan memberikan BRP atau Batadi Thread ini (kalo bisa ya ?)

8. Perihal Keanggotaan di TKSB.

Keanggotaan di TKSB "open" bagi kaskuser yang memiliki kecintaan dan passion yang sama terhadapa sepatu basket. Silahkan aktif, memberi kontribusi (share, tips, jemur, etc) dan obey the rules di thread ini ...Dengan pertimbangan para tetua disini ..nomor punggung akan diberikan kepada enteBig Grin

9. Akan dipikirkan lebih landjoetSmilie

New ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3 32


- hippopatamus
- thesneakerking
- pr1hadi
- u-dee
- chipar
- rhinoboy
- bodialelana
- ersam aka samhoju
- bakabon07
- celipe
- murukusunuh
- moelest
- kyo
- steve13nash
- pemula user
- kobejames21
- triple_dhe
- kimakerz
- wallner
- itzmee
- wellya
- rain24
- raihan tj14
- kuman super
- pamulang23
- jordanhead
- wileska
- last emperor
- shadowhawk
- bute
- Golden^^boy
- minimusreborn
- hvd_2298
- Xt_23
- Freezen_7
- Nuskie
- Bginxs
- hendrik_kds
- repak69
- flightseven
- Sidesweep
- Cantonacantona
- irwanakabemby
- tong_an
- bordeaux
- JoNa17
- winzz
- mollaghost
- moveinfast
- enricokiko
- darick
- puffymom
- handi86
- purpleshade
- guramerebus







Beberapa Tips untuk membedakan ASPAL/KAWE SUPER, 1, 2 DST/REPLICA/PALSU dan LEGIT


1. Look for the SKU number. Every authentic pair of Nikes comes with a SKU number on the box, as well as inside the shoe on the tongue label. Those SKU numbers always match.

2. Insist on seeing the shoe box. Many fake Nike shoes will not come with the original shoe box. Some fakes do come with a shoe box, but it is often fairly flimsy. Authentic Nike shoe boxes are made of a heavy and sturdy cardboard.

3. Bend the soles. Authentic Nike shoe soles are made of BRS 1000 rubber; it looks, feels and smells like rubber. It should not feel like hard plastic.

4. Look for bleeding or faded colors. Sometimes fake Jordans will have bleeding coming from the red Jordan symbol on the tongueÂ’s tab into the fabric surrounding it. Fabric colors on the shoe may also look faded on fakes. An authentic Nike shoe will not have faded or bleeding colors.

5. Look at the stitching. Fake Nikes can have sloppy stitching, and stitching that is uneven or is not straight. Genuine Nikes have near perfect, if not perfect, stitching.

6. Compare color configurations, also called colorways. Websites such as offer a thorough listing of every Air Jordan ever released. You can look up styles, color combinations and other minute details of authentic Nike shoes and compare it to one you are looking to purchase.


How to Tell If Your Jordan Shoes Are Fake

Step 1, Know your Air Jordans. Make yourself familiar with all the designs of the version of Air Jordans that you want to purchase. Some individuals will place the "Jumpman" or "23" logo on other shoes, such as ones made by Reebok. They may even place the logo on a Nike shoe. Just because the shoes are authentic Nikes, you shouldn't assume that the shoes are Air Jordans. Go to the official "Jumpman23" website (see Resources below) to view every pair of Air Jordans ever released.

Step 2, Inspect the "Jumpman" logo. This logo should be embroidered, not painted, on the shoe. If it is painted on, the Air Jordans are fake. Also, the thumb in the hand not holding the basketball should be pointed in toward the body.

Step 3, Look at the gloss on the Air Jordans. A fake Jordan shoe will be duller in color around the entire shoe.
This includes the bottoms of the shoes. If you can't see a picture of the bottom of the shoes, or if the person selling you the shoe won't allow you to see the bottom of the shoes, it should be a red flag that the Jordan shoes are fake.

Step 4, Check out the tag.
Know what the tag on your particular pair of Air Jordans should say. For example, some editions of Air Jordans will have the phrase "Jumpman Jordan" written on the tag, while others will simply say "JAM." Learning this information will allow you to spot fake tags and thus spot fake Jordan shoes.

Step 5, Examine the outside of the Air Jordans for little imperfections. For example, the fabric may have little zigzags (or triangles) on the side of the shoes. Authentic Jordan shoes are made precisely and will not have these marks. If the designs on the shoes are not symmetrical, the shoes are definitely fake.

Step 6, Notice if the Jordan shoes lean to one side or the other
. Fake shoes made with low-quality materials may be heavier on one side, causing the other side to "cave in" toward the middle of the shoe. This will never happen with real Air Jordans.

Quote:Contoh Case Aspal vs Legit di kaskus ..silahken dibaca selengkapnya Big Grin
di sini

Anatomy dari sepatu

New ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3 36

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thanks to : winzz

Air Jordan I - XV

Air Jordan XVI - XX3

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Shoe Game Glossary
Thanks to bro repak69

Spoilerfor Glossary:

Welcome to Shoe Game Glossary where you will learn the common language/slang used in the "Shoe Game". These are some words and terms you might see often. YouÂ’ve seen all these before and know some of them, but had no idea what some of the others mean.

DS - Dead stock commonly misused to mean "BRAND NEW" only. The original meaning of dead stock is; unsold older stock "DEAD STOCK". Most people use this word when describing a brand new shoe.

VNDS - Very near dead stock

NDS - Near dead stock

LE - Limited Edition

PE - Player Exclusive

SB - Skateboard

OG - Original

AM - Air Max

SE - Special Edition

3M - Reflective Material

ID - Individually Designed

DT - Diamond Turf

ACG - All Conditions Gear

JB - Jordan Brand

AZG - Air Zoom Generation

FT - Feng Tay (Nike Factory in Asia) usually seen on the box tag of sample or promo shoe.

NL - No Liner

HTM - A set of shoes designed by Hiroshi Fujiwara, Tinker Hatfield, and Mark Parker. HTM is the first letter of each designers name.

CG - Cool Grey, usually used when talking about the Air Jordan 3, 4, 9, or 11

LS - Lifestyle which is a Jordan product that is usually associated with matching clothing and is geared towards trendy fashion than towards athletic performance.

DMP - Defining Moments Pack

JÂ’s - Jordans

AJ - Air Jordan

AF1 - Air Force 1

GS - Grade School

HOA - History of Air

GR - General Release

BRS - Blue Ribbon Sports

NIB - New in Box

NWT - New with Tags

SBTG - Sabotage the world famous custom designer

SVSM - Saint Vincent Saint Mary, Lebron James High School

DQM - DaveÂ’s Quality Meat a shoe shop in NYC

UNDFTD - Undefeated a shoe shop in Los Angeles, CA

G.O.A.T. - Greatest of all Time

CO.JP - Concept Japan

NT - Nike Talk( Forum)

ISS - (Forum)

NSB - (Forum)

LBJ - Lebron James

X - Usually stands for "and" for example Nike "x"(and) Air Max 90

Heat - Hard to find shoes usually older models but can also be newer models. This words gets over used, but the owner determines if the shoe is "Heat" based on their opinion.

Holy Grail - Your most wanted shoe that may be very expensive or extremely rare.

Sample - Usually a test shoe that will be released in the future or made to see if any changes need to be made. Also, a sample may be made, but never released in stores and the common "Sample" sizes are 3.5 Youth, 7 Women, 9 Men. Although there are "Samples" that exist that are in bigger sizes, this is very rare.

Prototype - Sample that is never released may be called a "Prototype" (in most cases the first model)

B-Grade - A shoe thatÂ’s produced in the factory that may or may not have flaws. A certain amount has to be marked as "B-Grade" even if nothing is wrong with the shoe, and usually found in outlet stores.

Beater - A shoe that's worn without care, usually a shoe that you wear all the time. This is also the same shoe you don't mind getting stepped on, scuffed, or dirty.

Retro - Re-Release

Retro + - Not an original Jordan colorway

Quickstrike - Only released at special Nike account stores, in most cases may pop out of no where in limited numbers.

Hyperstrike - Ultra limited and available at Nike shops with a Tier 0 and 1 account. Not many shops have these accounts because they are very hard to get. Also, some people may call shoes numbered at 500 pairs or less a "Hyperstrike".

Uptowns - Air Force 1

Bred - Black/Red Air Jordan colorway

P-Rod - Paul Rodriquez a skater for Nike with a signature shoe line

Premium - Usually made with high quality construction or material, and will most likely cost more.

Camo - Camouflage

Hype - Is too much attention/talking about a certain shoe. In most cases "Hype" causes the value to go up because itÂ’s now highly sought after. Hype, normally causes a person that doesnÂ’t like the shoe to eventually want the shoe due to itÂ’s "Hype".

Hypebeast - One that likes a shoe because of itÂ’s "Hype" or one that attempts to over exaggerate a shoe.

Euro - Usually indicates that the shoe was only released in Europe






Gan, sepatu apa yg paling cocok ama ane ya gan?

Quote:Original Posted By wallner â–º
pertanyaan model begini yang ke sekian juta kalinya Smilie

paling simple gini aja gan ....agan baca ripyu dari jenis sepatu yg kira2 ente suka ..... disesuaikan dengan selera n budget juga tentunya
nah setelah kira2 udah dipersempit pilihan yang mau di PU baru deh meluncur ke TKP dicobain tuh sepatu mana yang paling cocok di hati and kantong

Angkat Beer


Ulasan perihal TKSB

I Love Indonesia

New Home New HopeSmilie

Some of my kicks in a random order,

Spoilerfor Jordan DMP Gold Pack:

New ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3 41

Spoilerfor Jordan II:

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Spoilerfor Jordan III:

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Spoilerfor Jordan V:

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Spoilerfor Jordan VI:

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Spoilerfor Jordan VII:

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Spoilerfor Jordan X:

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Spoilerfor Jordan XI:

Spoilerfor Concord XI:

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Spoilerfor Bred XI:

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Spoilerfor Cool Grey XI:

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Spoilerfor Space Jam XI:

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Spoilerfor Other XI:

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Spoilerfor Jordan XIII:

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Spoilerfor Air Jordan 2011 YOTR:

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Spoilerfor Kobes:

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My Shoe Cleaning method ;

Spoilerfor Cleaning My Kicks:

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The end result Big Grin
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I Love Kaskus

ane hadir gan....Big GrinNew ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3 78

Spoilerfor ZKBVI:

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Spoilerfor CDP wannabe:

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Spoilerfor KB5-6:

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Spoilerfor bonus:

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Spoilerfor aj3:

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Spoilerfor bonus:

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Selamat dan terimakasih saya ucapkan kepada saudara WALLNER

jemuran khusus untuk merayakan momen ini,,,,

Spoilerfor :

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My CollectionsNajisNajis

Nike Zoom Kobe IV FOUR RINGS

Spoilerfor Kobe IV:

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Spoilerfor Kobe IV:

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Spoilerfor Kobe IV:

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Nike Zoom Kobe V USA

Spoilerfor Kobe V:

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Spoilerfor Kobe V:

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Spoilerfor Kobe V:

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Spoilerfor Kobe V:

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happy 3rd home.. neubie ijin jemursEmbarrassment


Spoilerfor Foams:

Spoilerfor Foamposite One Royal Blue:

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Spoilerfor Foamposite One Metallic Red:

New ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3 99

Spoilerfor Foamposite One Dirty Copper:

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Spoilerfor Foamposite One Metallic Pewter:

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Spoilerfor Foamposite One Lime:

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Spoilerfor FoampositeOne Eggplan:

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Spoilerfor Foamposite One Cought Drop:

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Spoilerfor Foamposite Pro Gym Green:

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Spoilerfor Air Jordan:

Spoilerfor XI:

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Spoilerfor Jordan XI Cool Grey:

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Spoilerfor XI Concord:

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Spoilerfor Jordan XI Bred:

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Spoilerfor Jordan Defining Moment Pack 7:

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Spoilerfor Jordan Golden Moment Pack:

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Spoilerfor Nike Kobe System:

Spoilerfor Nike Kobe V Big Stage Away:

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Spoilerfor Nike Kobe V Big Stage Home:

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Spoilerfor Nike Kobe V Five Rings:

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Spoilerfor Nike Kobe V Bruce Lee:

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Spoilerfor Nike Kobe V Varsity Red:

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Spoilerfor Nike Kobe V Wolf Grey:

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Spoilerfor Nike Kobe V White Del Sol:

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Spoilerfor Nike Kobe VI Rice:

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Spoilerfor Nike Kobe VI BHM:

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Spoilerfor Nike Kobe VI Tour:

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Spoilerfor Nike Kobe VI ASG:

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Spoilerfor Nike Kobe VII Cheetah/Christmas:

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Spoilerfor Nike Kobe VII Galaxi/ASG:

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Spoilerfor Nike Lebron:

Spoilerfor Nike Lebron 8 Christmas:

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Spoilerfor Nike Lebron 9 Christmas:

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Spoilerfor Nike Lebron 9 Canon:

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Spoilerfor Nike KD:

Spoilerfor Nike KD IV BHM:

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Spoilerfor Nike KD IV Golden Moment:

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Nubie numpang mejeng di pejiwan guys..Malu (S)

Spoilerfor Hyperdunk Elite 2011:

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Spoilerfor Lebron 9 Low:

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Spoilerfor Kd IV Easter:

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Spoilerfor KD IV YOTD:

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Spoilerfor Jordan Superfly RTTG:

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Spoilerfor KD IV AS:

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Spoilerfor Jordan Retro 7 GMP:

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Spoilerfor Lebron 8 v2 Entourage:

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Spoilerfor Lebron 8 v2 Xmas:

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Congrats buat Rumah Baru TKSB..Smilie

ane juga izin buat page one dulu ya pakdeEmbarrassmentEmbarrassment
ntar malem baru edit post nya buat masukin pic..di kantor ga bisa akses photobucket euyHammerBig Grin

thanks in advanceBlue Guy Peace

Babon Cuktaw Pierce ijin Booking Space dulu kk2...

Malem saya jemur Sesuatuu...Malu (S)

dah dijawab lewat pmEmbarrassment

Ijin ninggakin jejak di page1 gan

Siang mau njemur ikan asinHammer (S)


Spoilerfor :

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Cuma punya PIPPEN ini.... Belum ada yg OLIMPIC Embarrassment maaf cupu mas

Asik part3 persiapan gath !!!!

Di momen ini saya mau celebrating kita pindah rumah

Spoilerfor Momen indah:

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Happy 3rd home!

permisi sepuh dimari.. nubie numpang memajang jemuran nubie.. repsol dulu sembari menunggu yang baru datengMalu (S)

Spoilerfor cupu:

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Spoilerfor KD IV:

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Spoilerfor kobe7 elite:

New ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3 156

Spoilerfor kobe6:

New ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3 157

Spoilerfor chaos:

New ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3 158

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Cendol (S)
New ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3 160
IMG-20121022-04808bymollaghostz, on Flickr

New ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3 161
IMG-20121021-04796bymollaghostz, on Flickr

New ::: Thread kolektor sepatu basket - Part 3 162
Palmerah-20121209-04885bymollaghostz, on Flickr

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