Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

Djent | Lets discuss here!

okay gua terinspirasi sama agan curtis ward buat bikin trit iniBig Grin
lets talk about djent.

djent sendiri asalnya dari Meshuggah, yang bermain musik dengan teknik gitar palm mute. nah! darisitulah asal muasal djent. nama djent sendiri ditemukan oleh periphery. yang diambil dari noise gitar ala meshuggah sendiri .. sebenarnya djent sendiri bisa dikategorikan sebagai prog metal jugaBig Grin


djent sendiri merupakan asal muasal bunyi dari palm mute gitar. bicara soal palm mute. di wikipedia tertulis

Quote:The palm mute is a playing technique for the guitar or bass.

Palm mutes are executed by placing the side of the picking hand below the little finger across all of the strings very close to the bridge and then plucking the strings with the fingers while the damping is in effect. This produces a muted sound. The name is a slight misnomer, as the muting is usually performed by the side or heel of the hand.

Palm muting is a standard technique used in classical guitar performance and by electric guitarists who play with a pick. Palm muting is so widely used as to be idiomatic in discrete music, heavy metal, and particularly thrash, speed and death metal, but it is often found in any style of music that features electric guitars with distortion in the signal's preamplification stage. It is responsible for the characteristic "chugging" sound of distorted guitar music. Palm muting can also be used in conjunction with a wah pedal to produce the distinctive scratching sound often heard in disco music.

Palm-muting is also used by electric bassists in order to obtain a warm, "thumpy" tone that is sometimes similar to that of a double bass. The strings may be plucked with the thumb, or with a pick which gives a more percussive tone.

kalo kurang jelas, bisa langsung buffer disini.

Djent | Lets discuss here! 3

kalo buat reperensi lebih lengkap baca link yang dikasih sama agan JudgeDredd :

Quote:Original Posted By JudgeDredd â–º
ini bagi yg mau memperdalam ilmu Math Metal/Mathcore/Djent Embarrassment

silahkan disedot sepuasnya siul:
gw recommend Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects, another good Djent artist
fyi ini solo projectnya gitarisnya Meshuggah Embarrassment

beberapa band yang beraliran Djent :

Djent | Lets discuss here! 7

Djent | Lets discuss here! 8


Djent | Lets discuss here! 9

Djent | Lets discuss here! 10

Djent | Lets discuss here! 11

Uneven Structure
Djent | Lets discuss here! 12

okay let's discuss heree!! Big Grin

Some Awesome Djent Songs!

Djent | Lets discuss here! 14

Djent | Lets discuss here! 15

Djent | Lets discuss here! 16

Djent | Lets discuss here! 17

Djent | Lets discuss here! 18

Djent | Lets discuss here! 19

Djent | Lets discuss here! 20

nyimak aja kakak seniorMalu

Quote:Original Posted By tuituit â–º
nyimak aja kakak senior Malu

dirate juga dongMalu

beuh, prog metal ye
kompilasi dong

salam dropdjentDjent | Lets discuss here! 25

Quote:Original Posted By sonystrife â–º
beuh, prog metal ye
kompilasi dong

salam dropdjent

yoi prog metal son, tapi pake ciri khas gitar palm muteBig Grin
kompilasi lagi dibikin nihEmbarrassment

dropdjent? setau gw ambidjentHammerDjent | Lets discuss here! 29

selamat atas dibukanya thread DJENTBig Grin
cobain Animals as Leaders projeknya Tosin AbasiBelo

Waiw krang ngerti genre nya nh. Nyimak dlu bradBig GrinDjent | Lets discuss here! 33

ijin nyimak ya seniorMalu

ini bukan genre
atau paling nggak belum jadi

Quote:Original Posted By JudgeDredd â–º
selamat atas dibukanya thread DJENT Big Grin
cobain Animals as Leaders projeknya Tosin Abasi Belo

iya one man band ya tuhBig Grin
ane belom nyicip animal as leaders. yang mantep album mana?

Quote:Original Posted By antigod â–º
Waiw krang ngerti genre nya nh. Nyimak dlu brad Big GrinDjent | Lets discuss here! 39

monggoo bang antigodBig Grin
dirate juga dongMalu

Quote:Original Posted By freakfreakfreak â–º
ijin nyimak ya senior Malu

monggoBig Grin
dirate juga yachMalu

Quote:Original Posted By gatitoneku â–º
ini bukan genre
atau paling nggak belum jadi

iya sihMalutapi lumayan banyak band yang udah ngakuin djent sebagai genre merekaBig Grin

wah dah bisa disebut genre yaEmbarrassment

coprofago stylenya juga begini kan gitarnyaBig Grin

Quote:Original Posted By gatitoneku â–º
ini bukan genre
atau paling nggak belum jadi

kalo menurut ini genreBig Grin

Quote:Original Posted By ryanosaurs â–º
iya one man band ya tuh Big Grin
ane belom nyicip animal as leaders. yang mantep album mana?

album yg self titled gan (baru ada itu)Big Grin
harus dapet yg bitratenya diatas 192kbps biar bener2 mantebToast

Forum MusicAAL - Thoroughly at HomeForum Music


waw ada messhugah + sikth + architectsthumbsup:

Quote:Original Posted By JudgeDredd â–º
kalo menurut ini genre Big Grin

album yg self titled gan (baru ada itu) Big Grin
harus dapet yg bitratenya diatas 192kbps biar bener2 manteb Toast

Forum Music AAL - Thoroughly at Home Forum Music

itu cuma tag ah di
meski ada tulisannya genre jg

Quote:Original Posted By nevermind_me â–º
wah dah bisa disebut genre ya Embarrassment

coprofago stylenya juga begini kan gitarnya Big Grin

ane sih ngambil sumber dari forum metal luar ganMalu
tapi emang udah banyak yang nyebut djent sebagai genre merekaBig Grin

coprofago yang album mana nih gan? ane belom denger coprofagoHammer

Quote:Original Posted By JudgeDredd â–º
kalo menurut ini genre Big Grin

album yg self titled gan (baru ada itu) Big Grin
harus dapet yg bitratenya diatas 192kbps biar bener2 manteb Toast

Forum Music AAL - Thoroughly at Home Forum Music

iya ane juga ngambil sumber dari last.fmMalu
ente udah donlot gan? bagi link nya dongMalu

Forum Musicvildhjarta - shiverForum Music

Quote:Original Posted By Margera â–º
menyimak Embarrassment

waw ada messhugah + sikth + architects thumbsup:

meshuggah sama sikth emang djent, tapi kalo archicets kayaknya belom bisa. cuma di lagu early grave itu aja yang make palm mute. yang lain persis kyk metalcore biasaBig Grin

Quote:Original Posted By gatitoneku â–º
itu cuma tag ah di
meski ada tulisannya genre jg

yaudah ane edit deh judulnyaEmbarrassment

Quote:Original Posted By gatitoneku â–º
itu cuma tag ah di
meski ada tulisannya genre jg

haha gak tau lah, yg penting enakBig Grin

Quote:Original Posted By ryanosaurs â–º

iya ane juga ngambil sumber dari Malu
ente udah donlot gan? bagi link nya dong Malu

Forum Music vildhjarta - shiver Forum Music

pmnya penuh ganEmbarrassment
ntar kalo udah ada yg dihapus gw kirimBig Grin

Quote:Original Posted By ryanosaurs â–º
meshuggah sama sikth emang djent, tapi kalo archicets kayaknya belom bisa. cuma di lagu early grave itu aja yang make palm mute. yang lain persis kyk metalcore biasa Big Grin

yaudah ane edit deh judulnya Embarrassment

hahahaha serius gw baru tau kalo palm muting technique bisa dijadiin genre..tapi emang khas sih soundnya MeshuggahSmilie

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